Free Affirmations

When I change the way I look at things, the things I look at change.

At any given moment I have at least 7 options.

What I focus on, I get more of.

My power is in the present moment, and it is always the present moment. Therefore, I am always powerful.

My Divine Self, My Soul and I are one. I am always connected to my Soul. I am my Soul.

When I get quiet and look inside my heart, I allow myself to feel all the Love that I am at my Highest level.

I am free-flowing, infinite, multi-dimensional unconditional Love. I am pure Joy and I am always and forever living in the presence of everlasting unconditional Love.

I choose and I intend to heal myself.

I choose and I intend to live a beautiful life filled with Love and Laughter.

I choose and I intend to be Loving and Kind, Understanding and Compassionate, Accepting and Forgiving.

I choose and I intend to let go of all that no longer serves my Highest and Greatest Good.

When I am behaving in Loving ways, I am being my true self, my Higher Self.

I am becoming pure Love in all I say, do, intend, think, believe and radiate. 

I Love you, I Forgive you, I'm Sorry, and Thank You. 

I am Loved. I am Important. I am here to learn and contribute. I am appreciated and adored.

Open mind, open eyes, open heart. 

I am overflowing with Love and Devotion. I have enough Love flowing through my Heart to Love every cell and molecule, every particle and wave, every frequency in the infinite Cosmos. I am Pure Love, I am Pure Joy and I dance the Cosmic Dance of Love Incarnate, creating Heaven on Earth. 

I choose and intend to live an abundant, joyful, healthy, vibrant, wealthy life as my Divine Self, on my Highest Timeline at all times, in all ways, on all levels, in all dimensions and in all locations; living a life full of Love, kindness, compassion, creativity, passion, fun, trust, harmony, peace, joy, grace, community, friendship, companionship, forgiveness, gratitude and abundance. 

As a fully sovereign Source Creator Being, 100% in alignment with the Source of all positive Love and Light, I choose and I intend to consistently, in every now moment, cleanse, clear, purify, transmute and transform all negatives into positives, all darkness into light, all fear into Love. I claim this power, ability and capability here and now and I will always have this power, now and forever more and so it is.

My life is a Gift from God. What I do with my life is my Gift back to God.

If all things come from God and go back to God, all money is God's money; so I will invest wisely for the Highest and Greatest Good of All. 

If the project I am about to involve myself in is not for the Highest and Greatest Good of All, why would I want to invest my time, energy, resources and Love in that project?

I am grateful for this beautiful gift of life and I am grateful for the wisdom I have acquired from living this life to the fullest and allowing myself to experience all that I desired to experience. I have no regrets. 

I am truly grateful for all that I have experienced that has molded me into who I have become in this moment, regardless of any suffering I endured along the way. All is forgiven. I forgive all those whom have disrespected me, hurt my feelings, attempted to control me, attacked me, hated me for no apparent reason, betrayed me and/or abandoned me. They are all forgiven. 

Now I forgive myself for allowing any and all of these negative experiences to affect me in negative ways or harm or hurt me. I forgive myself completely. I have learned powerful lessons from these negative experiences. I forgive all those involved, including myself, but I will keep the lessons learned as part of my new found wisdom that I earned and I will evolve to become greater than I was. 

Maya Angelou said, "I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." This statement, when spoken several times, allows us to make it much easier to forgive ourselves and others for participating in negative experiences, even though these experiences are some of our greatest teachers. Blessings and Love to all. 

Life is the Teacher so live it, Love is the Healer so be it.